Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I just want to share the poem I made for Mija 
as my gift for her on our 7th anniversary on 
August 12, 2009, when I was still battling 
against cancer. 


By Marty P. Cachapero 

Lovingly dedicated to Mija Darlene A. Cu

She is intelligent, lovely, caring, charming and nice

Those were the things that had my heart enticed

Her lovely voice puts me in unimaginable bliss

Just seeing her sweet smile purges all my worries

She cheers me up when I’m down and feeling low

She is the cause why my strength glows

Nothing comforts me better than her tight embrace

So in my heart she cannot be replaced

She appreciates my simple and unimportant talents

She is proud of all my modest achievements

She doesn’t mind my numerous imperfections

For her I am God’s most fabulous creation

She is the one I ran to when I have problems

She complements me that’s why we make a perfect tandem

For all that I have done wrong she’s always been a forgiver

She is my best friend, teacher, and lover

She made me laugh and she made me cry

When I am with her I feel like I’m Superman I can fly

Little she knows she indeed brings out the best in me

She constantly makes me want to be a better Marty.

She tutored me when I was reviewing for the bar.

She inspired me to challenge myself and to reach the star

She never abandoned me in my journey

Until I became an Attorney

She is my nurse in my fight over cancer

Tells me to keep my faith for our prayers will be answered

She held me tight when I almost gave up the fight

Vowed that in the darkest day of my life she’ll remain at my side

Her patience meter towards me never goes empty

She never gave up on us even if to let go is necessary

She fought for us even if I’m not worth fighting for

Her unwavering hope is our mighty anchor

Between the two of us I’m the more blessed

For she’s everything to me, that I attest

She’s the one I want to spend the rest of my life with

For me she’s God’s most wonderful gift

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