Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mija's 30th Birthday

Mija chose to celebrate her 30th birthday in Ilocos so she could invite some of our close friends and relatives in the province. She just wanted her birthday celebration to be simple and intimate.

The venue was in their rest house in Salomague, Cabugao, Ilocos Sur, in a hot noon last March 14. It was supposed to be a pool party but the pool was still under construction that time so we just had a by-the-beach party. My mother prepared most of the food served while Mija and I were the ones who took care of everything else, including the setting up of the projector screen, arranging the tables and seats, decorating the area with balloons, etc. We were expecting only 15-20 guests, but it turned out, a little over 30 came.

With a little help from my mother and a househelp,
we nailed a nice party place for Mija
Nothing could beat a birthday lunch
by the beach!

Mija was surpised she had 30 balloons for her 30th birthday

While waiting for her guests to arrive 
Excited for party to start?

Lobsters, clams, malaga, popollo, lechon, and everything!

delectable, indeed!
Food all set and ready

We started the celebration with the showing of the video presentation I made (with the help of my brother, Jr). That video presentation was actually my surprise gift for Mija. A week before her birthday, I asked some of our friends and relatives, here in the Philippines and abroad, to record a video greeting for Mija and to send it to me so that I could put them all in one video presentation. Most responded and sent me their videos. So, Jr and I put them in one video presentation but added some of Mija's earlier pictures and heartwarming messages to make it a complete package. We made a really great work because Mija liked the video so much when she watched it and it even made her cry. I uploaded the video in my earlier blog. Here is the link:

All eyes on the video presentation
Video rolling

Tears and smiles for the birthday celebrant

After watching the video, we all rushed to the buffet table and devoured all the delicious foods we served until we were all satiated. Good food, nice place, and a happy celebrant. What else can I ask for? This is definitely one of our best birthday parties ever.

1st time all of Mija's aunts and uncle from the father side came in full force

Mija's relatives from mother side

Cabugao delagates

MC3 Fashion Boutique staff with Tita Venice and Lola Cel

My Vigan Home Hotel staff with my friend Chado

My mother's friends

Happy 30th birthday Switie!

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