Thursday, March 3, 2011

Paris, Day 9

Mija & I left Barcelona with a big smile in our hearts. We will never forget the hospitality and kindness Mamay Cely, Manang Elaine, Manong Jay, and Tatiana showed us during our entire stay. Hopefully,  another opportunity like this will knock on our doors again so that we could visit them anew in the future.

We were back in Paris but this time it was only the two of us. Manang Mitzi & family and Mark & Mariesse had all gone back to the Philippines while Mija & I were scheduled to leave the following day. That day we were supposed to have a short trip to Brussels, Belgium which is only 1 1/2 hours train ride from Paris but we decided to spend our last day in Europe in Paris. We did not have any plans for the entire day because we thought of making it our rest day, although we had a short visit to places we failed to visit the first time we were in Paris like the Academie Nationale de Musique, Lafayette and the elusive Eiffel Tower at night (elusive I say because of unforeseen events that prevented us from seeing it at night).

The view of Paris from the top of Eiffel Tower at night was stunning. It was a dramatic culminating experience for our European vacation. We enjoyed it except for one thing - the piercing cold. Then we hark back to our hotel and had a nice and sound sleep before our long trip back to reality the following day.

Academie Nationale de Musique is just in front of Lafayette
Mall owned by the family of Princess Diana's alleged lover Dodi.
Mija in her sexy pose. lol

What was I thinking? lol

Great capture!

Lovers in Paris, indeed

Je T'aime Paris!

I really love this shot. Can you see the Arc de Triomphe on the upper left?

Mija managed to pose despite chilling to the bones.
She was totally unprepared for the extreme cold weather that night.
You can see that in her face. lol

A smile coming from the heart.

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