Sunday, June 19, 2011

ToyCon 2011

Yes, im turning 30 this year but no matter how many years i'll be past my childhood, I'll always be a toy-lover. So, when i heard of the Toy Convention in Megamall, Mija and I went to see it. It was not exactly as we expected it to be but it was fun nonetheless. We saw a lot of youngsters donning costumes of their favorite characters from comic books, manga, anime, graphic novels, video games, and hentai. They call it "Cosplay" (short for costume play). We also saw thousands of toys. Unfortunately, we were not able to see what we came for - collection of Barbie Dolls. 

Even though the ToyCon 2011 was just a plain 5 in a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, and having an overpriced P100 per head entrance, I was satisfied and contented for I was able to get some pretty good shots of my favorite toys, not to mention the free Minute Maid and Coke Zero drinks we got. Here are some of my shots at the very first ToyCon I've ever attended:

The Pinoy version of Marvel

Catwoman that looks like Dawn Zulueta

I have no idea about this character, so I am going to watch the movie Green Lantern  

I wish I have his powers so that I can finish all my tasks in no time

I wish I have Tony Stark's brain

Hotness indeed

Fearless Wolverine

Oh yes, that's me!

Why is he always angry?

We're coming!


Is she Samurai Girl?

Another Samurai Girl

Lebron the choker!

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