Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dragon Boat Festival at Stanley


The last time Mija and I went to Stanley last 2010, we felt as if we were the only people there. The place was peaceful and the exact opposite of the busy metropolis that defines Central Hong Kong. We went there via the Big Bus Tour and spent a few hours in the small port facing the chain of restaurants along the shore. 

Our 1st time at Stanley
Heading for the port
Beautiful view

The second time we went there we could hardly remember it was the same Stanley we visited a year before. It was jam-packed by people coming from all parts of Hong Kong to witness their yearly celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival. I came to know about dragon boat when I was attending college in San Beda. It was a popular sport then although I never had seen one personally. When we learned about this event from Mija's cousin, Nicole, who is a resident of Hong Kong, we promised not to let it pass. It was in perfect timing since it was then our free day in our 1 week vacation in Hong Kong. 

It was shocking to see the number of people who came to see the event. I have never seen such a magnitude of people in a small beach that Stanley was. Not only did we have a hard time reaching the beach from where we were dropped off, but when we reached it we could not even get a nice view of the contest. But my excitement did not wane as I passed through the crowd to find a nice place to take pictures of the contest and the contestants. Here are some of the pictures that I took:

Contestants are getting reading to race

Race has begun. 

Leg winner 

People power!

Another leg winner

Too close to call

Team shirtless

Team Panda

farewell shot

Hot babes and hunks sun bathing

Yours truly

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