Monday, June 27, 2011

Sabang Island

In my 22 years of living in Cabugao, I've been to Sabang Island only once, and that was just last summer. I heard so much about it from friends and classmates from other towns but I only came to understand all their praises and  adulations when I finally set my foot on the island. Although the island is not as fine as the island of Boracay and other famous islands, it has a charm of its own. There are no improvements nor structures ever introduced in it since perhaps the time it was discovered, but that only makes it even more appealing because of its "virgin" status. If I will win the lotto, I'll buy it from the real owners - the Crisologo family, and convert it as a mini Amanpulo, but for my own personal use only.

The Island as seen from the shore of Brgy. Sabang

You have to ride in a boat like this to reach it. Travel time is 5 minutes.

Nothing much to do here besides swimming, camping and playing

The black portion underneath the sea are black corals.

That's me!

Thorny bushes all over the island

the island in front is Brgy Sabang

White sand indeed

Perfect place for swimming

Virgin island of Sabang

Sunday, June 19, 2011

ToyCon 2011

Yes, im turning 30 this year but no matter how many years i'll be past my childhood, I'll always be a toy-lover. So, when i heard of the Toy Convention in Megamall, Mija and I went to see it. It was not exactly as we expected it to be but it was fun nonetheless. We saw a lot of youngsters donning costumes of their favorite characters from comic books, manga, anime, graphic novels, video games, and hentai. They call it "Cosplay" (short for costume play). We also saw thousands of toys. Unfortunately, we were not able to see what we came for - collection of Barbie Dolls. 

Even though the ToyCon 2011 was just a plain 5 in a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, and having an overpriced P100 per head entrance, I was satisfied and contented for I was able to get some pretty good shots of my favorite toys, not to mention the free Minute Maid and Coke Zero drinks we got. Here are some of my shots at the very first ToyCon I've ever attended:

The Pinoy version of Marvel

Catwoman that looks like Dawn Zulueta

I have no idea about this character, so I am going to watch the movie Green Lantern  

I wish I have his powers so that I can finish all my tasks in no time

I wish I have Tony Stark's brain

Hotness indeed

Fearless Wolverine

Oh yes, that's me!

Why is he always angry?

We're coming!


Is she Samurai Girl?

Another Samurai Girl

Lebron the choker!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hong Kong & Macau

I lost track how many times Mija and I have been to Hong Kong and Macau, but just the same, every time we go there it feels like it's our first time. The two main reasons why we always go there - non-stop shopping for Mija and endless sightseeing for me.

Here are our 2011 Summer Vacation in Hong Kong pictures:

Oppps, Switie, you're covering me! 
No, this is not a pre-nup shot

Let's visit the original in Venice, Italy

One of the finest hotels

Nice idea, Switie

Let's go inside

Grrrr! We couldn't stand the cold

I've been to 2 Eiffel Towers, while 3 for Mija including the one in Vegas

That statue was not there during our last visit

At last, a nice shot at the harbour

Our favorite spot in Hong Kong

This was what I wrote in the letter I hung here:
"Mahal na mahal kita. Ipagsisigawan ko ito saan mang sulok ng mundo!"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dragon Boat Festival at Stanley


The last time Mija and I went to Stanley last 2010, we felt as if we were the only people there. The place was peaceful and the exact opposite of the busy metropolis that defines Central Hong Kong. We went there via the Big Bus Tour and spent a few hours in the small port facing the chain of restaurants along the shore. 

Our 1st time at Stanley
Heading for the port
Beautiful view

The second time we went there we could hardly remember it was the same Stanley we visited a year before. It was jam-packed by people coming from all parts of Hong Kong to witness their yearly celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival. I came to know about dragon boat when I was attending college in San Beda. It was a popular sport then although I never had seen one personally. When we learned about this event from Mija's cousin, Nicole, who is a resident of Hong Kong, we promised not to let it pass. It was in perfect timing since it was then our free day in our 1 week vacation in Hong Kong. 

It was shocking to see the number of people who came to see the event. I have never seen such a magnitude of people in a small beach that Stanley was. Not only did we have a hard time reaching the beach from where we were dropped off, but when we reached it we could not even get a nice view of the contest. But my excitement did not wane as I passed through the crowd to find a nice place to take pictures of the contest and the contestants. Here are some of the pictures that I took:

Contestants are getting reading to race

Race has begun. 

Leg winner 

People power!

Another leg winner

Too close to call

Team shirtless

Team Panda

farewell shot

Hot babes and hunks sun bathing

Yours truly