Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Baguio Tour

Right after our overnight stay at Kultura Splash Wave in Pugo, La Union, we went straight to Baguio City via the newly renovated Marcos Highway. We almost failed to reach the Pine City because of the inability of our car to ascend its steep 45 degrees angle roads. Something was wrong with it but we  couldn't figure it out. Maybe it was in the engine. Anyway, we stopped by the house of Mama's relatives near the Grotto (one of Baguio's attractions) and unloaded our bags and other things. After a few minutes rest, we went out for a stroll.

We went first to Burnham Park where we had a 30 minute boat ride. Then we ate dinner at Solibao along Session Road, where I ate about 3-5 spoon-full of spoiled rice. To make up for my misfortune and to put a cease to my non-stop complaining, the restaurant manager gave us a 10% discount on our final bill. Our last stop for the day was SM Baguio where we  sipped some hot coffees in the viewdeck. After that we all retired to our temporary shelter and had our best sleep of the week.

The following morning, we toured around our favorite Camp John Hay, the place we never missed visiting everytime we go to Baguio. After that, we went to Mines View Park where we tried donning Igorot costumes and had a picture with a gigantic St. Bernard dog. We had our lunch at Barrio Fiesta, the restaurant with hilarious statues in its entrance doors, placed there to lure customers. Our final stop was in Baguio Market where we bought Baguio's famous products, pasalubongs and fresh vegetables. 

And that was the detail of our short but memorable Baguio tour.

Houses scattered in the valleys of Baguio City

My favorite boat ride at Burnham Park

In the worst restaurant, Solibao

Chillin at Camp John Hay

I was able to convince Mija to go to her most hated City

What Baguio is popular for: cool weather & pine trees

Eating for the first time, strawberry taho

At the RP President's summer home, the Mansion

Not so good angle

The famous Mines View Park

Reyna Mija at Datu Marty

Huge and heavy

with my pareng Ninoy at Barrio Fiesta

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