Tuesday, May 10, 2011


A 3 kilometer drive from the national highway and a 600 meter walk along sharp coral rock path will lead you to Kapurpurawan (which means kaputian or whiteness) rock formation in Burgos, Ilocos Norte. You will find it difficult to reach, but don't worry because it so worth all your efforts. At the end of the coral rock path you will see a peculiar mountain conposed of white limestone in strange shapes formed by both wind and sea water over time. The very noticeable portion of the Kapurpurawan rock formation is its peak which many said resembles Noah's Arc. (Repost from my blog entry "Napintas Ti Ilocos (Ilocos is Beautiful")

April 28, 2011, Thursday. This was our first time to see Kapurpurawan and like all people do, we were enchanted by this magical place the moment we laid our eyes on it. Truly a treasure for Ilocos.

a 500 meter walk from where we left our van

beauty unfolding before our very eyes

blinding whiteness

totally breathtaking

resembles the Noah's Arc

everything is white

I couldn't take my eyes off you

ala Heroes

Ilocos next top model


kiko shot

bye Kapurpurawan. Till we meet again.

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