Thursday, February 17, 2011

Paris, Day 4

The outdoor temperature that time was at freezing point but since we already planned beforehand to go to Paris Disneyland that day for Marywill and Biboy (Mija's 2 cute pamangkins), the plan still pushed thru. So there we went to Disneyland on early morning of our 4th day in Paris, all geared up for the cold weather. We took the subway train at Charles de Gaulle, a one-way trip that cost us one hour of our time plus another hour finding the station. 

When we reached Disneyland, Mija & I decided to part with the group to grant the wish of our grumbling stomachs. After that, we decided to try the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. It was the first and last ride we had in Disneyland Paris because Mija, Mark, Mariesse and I have all agreed to leave early so that we could still catch the Louvre before it closes. 

Paris Underpass (?) - Finding the subway station to Disneyland Paris  was like looking for a needle in a haystack

Grabbing a bite of those French breads

At last, the station to Disneyland

Trying to shrug off the cold that shrouded our flesh. Then after a successful try, our efforts were wasted as snow began to fall from heaven. It was magical.

Hai ho! I am a pirate eh!

There are not enough words to describe the Louvre. The list of collections which the museum houses is endless. We all know that seeing every item there would take us a year to finish so we just selected few important pieces to locate like the Monalisa, Nike of Samothrace and the Inverted Glass Pyramid.

The Louvre - view from inside the right wing

I am definitely sure the ancient sculptors are GAYS! Just kidding. =)

One of the corridors of the museum


Nike of Samothrace

You will find many items inside the Louvre  peculiar bordering disturbing like this painting of a pregnant Mother Mary

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