Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Europe Tour

Late last year, Manang Mitzi, Mija's elder sister, and her husband Kuya Ghil were then planning to bring their whole family to London, with sidetrips to France and Italy, to visit Kuya Ghil's parents when it popped to Mija's mind to ask them if both of us could come. I was thrilled with the idea when Mija told me about it. The thrill turned into ecstasy when I learned that they had agreed. Well, who wouldn't feel the same if you learned that you would be going with your girlfriend to the place where couples dreamt to go? France, particularly Paris, has the reputation as the most romantic place in the world and walking its streets with the one you love at your side is definitely a dream come true. So, to cut the story short, we all flew to Europe and there Mija and I created lifetime souvenirs with these photographs:

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