Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nan Lian Garden & Chi Lin Nunnery

Nan Lian Garden, a Tang-style landscaped Chinese garden in Diamond Hill Hong Kong, is said to be based on the blueprint of the famous Jiangshouju Garden in Shanxi Province. It was opened on 15th November 2006.

The garden is characterized by the four main elements of Tang-style gardens with: 
1. artificial hillocks and ornamental rocks, 
2. water features, 
3. timber structures, and 
4. old trees. 

What will strike everyone who visits here are the unusual trees that blanket the entire garden. Precious old trees throughout the garden include Buddhist Pine, Japanese Black Pine, Cypress, Pagoda, Silver-back Artocarpus and Common Crape Myrte. 

For the people who want to escape the busy metropolis that Hong Kong is, Nan Lian Garden is their ticket. Although the garden is at the heart of urban Kowloon, it provides visitors with a tranquil and serene atmosphere.

Right in front of the garden entrance

Mija is attracted to pink color

the empress

Nothing quite like this garden

Seeking shelter from the scorching heat

Mija loves these trees

The golden temple

Infinite beauty

Welcome to her abode

Someday I'll build a beautiful garden like this for you

Artificial waterfall

The Chi Lin Nunnery is a Buddhist Temple attached to the Nan Lian Garden. It is a public park built in the ancient style of the Tang dynasty . The temple complex includes a nunnery , temple halls, Chinese gardens, visitor's hostels and a vegetarian restaurant. A distinctive feature of the temple structure is that in involves intricately interlocking sections of wood joined without a single nail! Truly a must see!

Path separating Nan Lian Garden from the Chi Lin Nunnery

The temple housing the Buddha statue

the Lotus pond

Bougainvillea Bonsai

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