Friday, July 29, 2011

CP3's Game-Worn Shoe

After stepping out of the Araneta Coliseum right after the NBA-PBA game, Papa, Jr, Bolet, Popop and I immediately headed to Gateway Mall to meet up with JJ and Lloyd, when a sight of sizeable number of people piling up near the entrance caught our eyes. At first, we thought those people were flocking to an NBA player, but as we got nearer, we saw it was just some fans taking their pictures with PBA cagers Kelly Williams, Ali Peek, and Harvey Carey who probably went to watch the game too. We did not bother to add to this horde of people and continued our way to the entrance of the mall. 

Not long after that, we heard people screaming. Curious that we were, we rushed to that spot. They were shouting "Harden Harden! and "Fear the Beard" chant in front of passing heavily-tinted SUV's.  We  realized that these SUV's were the services of the NBA stars. One SUV for each of them. Inside a black Expedition, which just passed by in front of me, I saw the silhouette of James Harden. Upon seeing Harden, I quickly called the attention of Jr to raise our placard containing the words "DRose, can I have your shoes?", for DRose might be inside one of those SUV's, and if he reads our placard he would be kind enough to give us his shoes. Another two or three SUV's passed by where Jr and I were standing but no sign of DRose, only Fisher whose silhouette I saw this time in a white SUV.  

Message for MVP Derrick Rose

Jr and I were persistent in our efforts, waving the placard like members of a labor group staging a strike. We did not anymore mind if we were acting like a fool that time. All of a sudden, we heard someone, not far from us, screaming to the top of his lungs. When we looked from where the voice was coming from, we were surprised it was Bolet. He was screaming not because a snatcher took his cellphone  away, but because of what was happening in front of him. Chris Paul himself, who was inside a black SUV, was handing to Popop one of his game-worn shoes. Bolet toled us later that CP3 handpicked Popop because he saw him wearing his jersey. 

The sight was like a 5000 volts of electricity shot through our bodies. We joined in Bolet's shouting and rushed to the scene. Jr grab the shoe from Popop and raised it with his hand as if he was Dirk Nowitzki who just won the Larry O'brien trophy, while I peeked on the closing car window to thank CP3 for the shoe! CP3  responded by nodding his head. Imagine all these happened in a split second. 

That's our shoe!

The luckiest boy that night!

We left the scene as if we just won the lotto. We were screaming and screaming until we were burnt out. It took us few minutes before we got mesmerized from that unusual experience. Really, it is not a daily occurrence to see an NBA player, how much more to receive personally from him a memorabilia, a game-worn shoe for that matter? And he is not just an ordinary NBA player but one of the best in world today! Truly that made our first NBA-players game experience even more special. One word could perfectly sum up that experience - SURREAL!

Jordan Brand CP3 IV - our reward for being NBA fanatics for as long as we could all remember

There was no DRose, but CP3 came to the rescue. Thanks so much to CP3 for the shoe! We will surely treasure it for until we would all be too old for it - which I'm sure will never come. Thanks also to all the NBA stars who showcased their talents in front of the basketball-loving Filipinos - us included. It was truly a wonderful experience. We hope to see more from you again in the future! Mabuhay!

Monday, July 25, 2011


July 23, 2011. Smart NBA Team vs PBA Selection game highlights (let the pictures speak for themselves):

Singing the national anthem

Group pictures with MVP

Durant slams it during the warm-up

Jump ball

Tera-drop by DRose


DRose for 3!

Current MVP

Tyreke Evans jams

DRose guarded by LA Tenorio

Fear the Beard!

Durant can fly


He still got it? Nah!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Smart Ultimate All-Star Weekend

It is from the news that I learned that a press conference will be made on July 15 to announce the NBA players who will compose the NBA selection team that will play exhibition matches against our local stars from PBA and Smart Gilas on July 24 and 25, respectively. Those who were initially invited were NBA's reigning MVP Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls, Kobe Bryant of the LA Lakers, Kevin Durant and Russel Westbrook - the dynamic duo of the Oklahoma Thunder, Tyreke Evans of the Sacramento Kings, Mario Chalmers of the Miami Heat, Kevin Love of the Minesota Timberwolves, and the monster-jammer Blake Griffin of the LA Clippers.

At first I was skeptical on the ability of local organizers to pull a show like this, basically because the names they dropped are not just NBA players but are the superstars of their respective teams. To successfully invite one of them would entail great difficulty, how much more collectively. Yes, we had invited several NBA players play in the Philippine soil before, but as far as I could remember only Shaquille O'neal and Chris Gatling in the 90's were active players, the rest were legends and retired players. 

But on the afternoon of July 25, I was shocked to read from Twitter that the planned Smart Ultimate All-Star Weekend will push through. It was made public via the twitter accounts of Chot Reyes and TJ Manotoc, that among those invited, Kobe Bryant and Tyreke Evans agreed to come, along with other NBA stars Chris Paul, James Harden, DeAndre Jordan, and Derrick Williams and two more unnamed players. But the scheduled matches were moved to July 23-24, instead of July 24-25. Coach Reyes said Blake Griifin had earlier signified his intention to come but later backed out because his brother is getting married (sayang!). No news from Rose, Durant, Westbrook and Love. Here are what Reyes and Manotoc tweeted:

@tjmanotoc: Eto na! RT : Kobe,Chris Paul,Tyreke Evans,Deandre Jordan, Harden,Derrick Williams + 2 more @ Araneta July 23-24. Buy tickets 9115555

@coachot: "We almost had Blake Griffin, he already said yes. but his brother is getting married"

@tjmanotoc: no mention of Rose & Durant. but source says other 2 to be named will please all. so does that mean it may be Rose & Durant? Or Griffin?

When I read about this news, I was like going nuts as I relayed the news to my brother, Popop who, on the other hand, seemed to not care at all (he was playing 2k11 at that time)! I immediately called Ticketnet to resereve tickets. At first I couldn't get through their line, perhaps because fellow pinoys with the same goal were flooding the line of Ticketnet. But after several attempts, I finally got through. I reserved 5 UPPER BOX A tickets and 1 LOWER BOX B ticket. After the call, i immediately dressed up and rushed to SM Cubao, together with Popop, to purchase the tickets. When I finally got hold of the tickets, it took some time before it finally sunk on me that we will finally be watching NBA stars play live. 

In the evening, when my other brothers, Bolet and Jr arrived from school, I relayed to them the good news and they were equally ecstatic. Throughout the night we talked about about the upcoming game, what jersey we will be wearing on the game day, the placard/banner we will make to get these players' attention, and who the last two unnamed players might be.

The following day, on July 16, coach Chot tweeted this to my dismay:

Sabi ko "big fish" diba? Well we just confirmed 1 of them - Derek Fisher :) D last is much, much bigger than this fish tho! Who do u think?

To my mind, there are hundreds of other NBA players, why invite Fisher who could hardly score 5 points last NBA season? Other than his ball handling skills, there is no more to see from him. But since he has already been included in the team, I might as well feel okay about it.

The anti-climactic news about the inclusion of Fisher was erased by the follow-up news about the inclusion of the NBA reigning MVP Derrick Rose:

@inquirerdotnet: NBA MVP Derrick Rose joining Kobe Bryant, Chris Paul in Manila after all 

This was followed by another shocking news the following day, saying that Kevin Durant has replaced DeAnre Jordan, who could not make it because of passport problems:

@coachot: Bad news! Kevin Durant IS replacing Deandre Jordan in d Smart Ultimate Weekend. Bad news for us & Gilas. Great for Pinoy Bball fans

And just today, another tweet from TJ Manotoc telling that Javale Mcgee of the Washington Wizard is the 9th member of team NBA. 

@tjmanotoc: just confirmed from TV5 & AKTV's  that Javale McGee is the 9th player of the NBA stars

I could not believe this was all for real. Rose, Durant, Paul and Kobe to play together??? In Manila??? What at first seemed to me to be a propaganda or a joke was really a real deal. Forget about the NBA lockout and forget about Lebron losing in the finals. We are seeing NBA stars play here! This is definitely a dream come true for me and my siblings, and perhaps to all the Filipino ticket-holders. Now, we don't have to go to the US to see NBA players play and showcase their talents!

Coalescing these NBA superstars to play in the Philippines is absolutely a priceless gift by the people behind this event to this basketball-loving country. We the pinoy fans are forever indebted to you, especially to fellow Bedan, Manny Pangilinan of the MVP Sports Foundation, with this respect. Hopefully this will not be the last, but a first to many more in the future. How about bringing here LeBron James next??? 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

MC3 Fashion Boutique 2nd Advertisement

This was MC3 Fashion Boutique's 2nd advertisement aired on Core TV (local channel in Ilocos Sur) late last year in preparation for the celebration of MC3's 5th year anniversary on December 8, 2010.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

MC3 with the Stars!

Our MC3 Fashion Boutique in Vigan is just a small retail shop, but believe it or not, it has already been graced by several famous local stars from Manila. Our very first star-customer was (1) Yasmien Kurdi who bought a sexy jean shorts; followed by (2) Rachel Ann Go who left our shop with a new trendy blouse; and then (3) Valerie Concepcion who purchased a perfect long dress. Unfortunately we were not able to have pictures with them since we did not have a camera yet during their visits. After having our own camera, we made sure we had pictures with the succeeding stars who visited our store. Here they are:

(4) Iya Villana

Iya was captivated by the beauty of our store as much as we were captivated by her beauty

(5) Bangs Garcia

The sexiest Bangs Garcia bought this floral dress and wore it in one of ABS-CBN's events

(6) Black Jack

Black Jack went to Vigan twice, and twice also he and his wife shopped at MC3

(7) Diana Meneses

Diana shopping like crazy!

(8) Jon Avila

John went for a short visit and had pictures with our staff

(9) Nikki Gil

This dress of  Nikki was given by MC3. She also bought 1 polo shirt with the map of Ilocos in it

(10) John Prats

This was after John's dance performance at the Kannawidan Festival in Vigan.

(11) Derek Ramsey

Derek posing together with MC3's staff.